ad. new research has shown that the majority of managers wouldn’t feel prepared to appropriately respond if an employee shares their ADHD diagnosis 🤯 this REALLY needs to change, so i’ve teamed up with @mondaydotcom to share the five things that i think all managers of ADHDers should know !!! what would you add? 👇🏼 #adhd
some *actually* helpful gift ideas for the adhd folks in your life !!! i can probs list of loads more of these so lmk if you need more ideas xxx #adhd #neurodivergent
ad. @zoopla and @thebraincharity have teamed up to create the UK’s first home-buying guide specifically for neurodivergent folks - and it’s going to help sooooo many people! let me know if these stats surprised you, and search “zoopla neurodivergent” to find the guide 💖 #buyingahouse #firsttimebuyer #houseviewings #adhd #neurodivergent
ad. i'm suuuuper excited to be working with the platform that literally keeps my life in check every single day @mondaydotcom (again!) to bring you some of my favourite tips for working with an adhd brain, and for managers to better support neurodivergent folks in the workplace !!! keep an eye out over the next couple of weeks to hear more 👀