Does your dog DEMAND affection. you have to be careful that your dog doesn’t become a control freak. You don’t want them demanding and telling you when it’s time to get them food, affection, toys etc. Make sure you set clear boundaries with your dog so they don’t get the wrong impression.
Have you ever used a tether to help train your dog? @autumn_sayitonce is the best trainer in the DMV area Tethering your dog means using a leash or a long line to attach your dog to yourself or a stationary object as a training tool. This can be used to manage your dog’s behavior, ensuring the dog remains within a certain range and can be easily corrected or guided as needed. A couple benefits of tethering: ��Teaches the dog how to settle on their own! This is important for dogs that struggle with the need to always be doing something. Sometimes the best thing for them is to learn to turn their brain off and just chill. In training we use a lot of “place” and crate training where we practice this skill, but sometimes our dogs don’t have a healthy in between mindset. Tethering creates the idea that there does not have to be a command given to achieve calmness. ��Teaches a dog how to work through frustration on their own. Your dog WILL get frustrated when it’s tethered! (At first!) This puppy’s name is Holden. He’s 14 weeks old and this was his first time being tethered with me. He barked at me for about 10 minutes before settling down. He wanted attention, to be near me, to be active, etc., but we already trained, played, walked, it was time to settle! I didn’t give into any of the barking and even let him figure out how to undo the leash from his own legs. These small moments where he’s overcoming stress / problem solving are preparing him for the bigger moments in his life where he will need this skill the most. Some examples of this are separation anxiety and reactivity. ��Supervision and prevention. Similar to how we use the crate, we want a place that we can put our dog where we know they’re safe and can’t get to anything they shouldn’t have. Tethering can allow another hands-free option to monitor your dog and prevent behaviors like chewing, potty accidents, getting in the trash, etc. They’ll either not be able to get to it or they’re attached to you so you can stop it. *Always monitor your dog while tethered to ensure safety throughout the entire practice. #DogTraining #DogTrainingTips #DogBehavior
Does your dog bark at people that walk by?? Try this! I personally think we spend too much time reacting to our dogs poor behavior, instead of being proactive and teaching the correct behavior. Having a little porch time with your dog is beyond helpful, not just for the barking, but also teaching your dog to generally remain calm outside. Here’s what you’ll need! A leash, place bed, your dogs training collar, their food or a frozen treat like Roscoe’s absolute favorite @Dogsters 🍦🐶 Do not distract your dog from looking around in the neighborhood by saying their name, or waving food in front of their face to get them to look into your eyes. Your two options are simple. Allow them to watch the world and you can reward them for checking in with you. Or give them something of value to eat, which will help them decompress while watching the world go by. At this point, your dog should be relatively good at holding their place command, The only things that you will correct is getting off of the place bed, or reactive barking. Barking is normal, but you do need to put a limit to it if your dog cannot do it themselves. If they bark once from being startled , I would not intervene. As soon as I deem the barking to be a nuisance, I simply say no, and use leash pressure to stop my dog. if you have questions about barking, ask away! ⬇️
Do I live in a fairytale land? Dogs are meant for so much more. It’s a common line that’s said, my dog doesn’t like the rain. Let me tell you why. Because of humans. We rush and panic our dogs in the rain, because it’s an inconvenience for us to get wet. “Hurry up, let’s go” etc rushing dogs and creating a negative association with the rain. It is truly as simple as, start to take them out when it’s raining for fun activities. Other dogs are also the best teachers. One thing I’m very proud of is when we hold group class in Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, or Washington D.C. if it’s raining, our clients show up and get to work. It’s so awesome, but it really does come down to the culture we create. Take your dog out with another dog in the rain, and watch them have the best time in their life. Rolling in the mud, drinking outta puddles, and having a blast being a dog. Put that raincoat on, get yoir towel ready for when you come back, but man oh man, let your dog live outside of the tight bubble that we confine them too. Maybe I’m crazy, but this seems so extreme to me. I can’t imagine living like this? Thoughts
Meet Captain Crunch and follow along for our puppy training series 🙌❤️ What puppy questions do you have? Yes and No, two of the most important words your dog will ever learn. Let’s start with yes/clicker = food is coming and talk about the most common mistakes. Invest in a fanny pack or a hoodie, because you don’t want to condition your word yes or clicker while you have food in your hand. The food should be hidden. If your puppy is staring at the food in your hand, they will not even hear the noise that is made, and will not be able to figure out that that noise predicts food is coming. You need to do this in every room in your house, and then outside in your front and backyard as well. We often have a particular area in the house where we train, and the dog listens there perfectly but nowhere else. When your dog understands that yes/clicker means food is coming it makes teaching anything else in the future much easier. It gives a clear understanding of what behaviors will achieve rewards. For puppies, I love starting with a clicker. While they are getting used to hearing all of these voices inside the home consistently, the clicker noise is something that they will only hear during these specific exercises. I’ll end up doing 4-5 lessons with CC today. Let me know if you have any puppy questions!
The easiest way to correct your puppy for peeing in the house and potty training your dog. The devil is in the details! . . . . On a serious note as well for potty training, our new puppy Captain crunch is four months old, and we’ve only had one accident in the house, and I would deemed that he is potty trained. I’m actually pretty proud of him, but also pissed that I allowed him to make one mistake in the house. How do you get a new puppy and have no accidents? You stick to our puppy cycle! I cannot stress this enough.
The perfect schedule for a puppy. Too many puppy owners are trying to entertain their new puppies into oblivion, creating addicts of stimulation. Beyond that, we are terrible at multitasking, and letting your puppy run amuck while working, doing chores, or generally not available. Instead do this. Give your puppy what they need; mental and physical exertion, socialization, and PLAY! Potty your dog both before and after the Play Exercise or Training, and then place them in the crate so your dog can get uninterrupted sleep. This ensures no bad habits will also be learned while your back is turned. Do you put anything inside of your dog crate?
Stop repeating your self. (Say It Once Dog Training) If you say the word, you make your dog do it if they do not comply! I don’t care if it’s for stay come or no, do not give them the belief that they do not have to comply. Remember, these are commands, not suggestions.
What is your dog afraid of? I think dogs should be absolute gladiators and need to grow up and learn that can do EVERYTHING! I want them so confident they would try anything physically possible. Sometimes, no matter, if you carry a bag of chicken, or plead with your dog until the cows come home, there is a mental barrier that your dog cannot overcome in order to achieve a physical task. This is where simple pressure and release methods can shine. What I mean by that, if I’m going to put pressure on. Ottos Koller until he starts to move forward towards the pool. I will not drag him forward, but I will add pressure as he is stationary. He will learn and turn to shut off all of this pressure all I have to do is move forward. You learn the same thing driving your car. When you drive your car and you’re trying to do five things at once, and you forget to plug in your seatbelt right away, it will add pressure to you. (The annoying beep) until you comply. There are a lot of dogs, who afraid of steps, jumping onto simple surfaces, going into the pool, jumping in the car and 1 million other different fears that are usually overcome. You can start small, but you want to set small physical tasks that your dog has mental block where they believe they can’t do something. When you overcomes small task, like that together, you can literally see your dog grow. I love taking my personal dogs to Unused kids playgrounds and have them jump all over the different elevations and surfaces because I do believe that building a confident dog is one of the most important keys to success. I also like to make different obstacles for my dogs, and I want to challenge them frequently more importantly, I don’t think it’s fair if my dogs live life with stress and anxiety over something that I can help them overcome!
Does your dog bully the other? This is so common, and you shouldn’t let one dog push your other out of the way for resources like yourself, food, bones, etc. Remember, you are in control of everything.
“I don’t mind” can ruin your dog training. if you plan on controlling your dog, you also need to let your dog know that you can control the environment around them. It’s important to make your dog wait for things they love in their life so that we don’t set a bad precedent that they will immediately get whatever it is they want like a spoiled child. stick up for your dog as well. My dogs love everyone, but even with that being said, I still don’t want random strangers, sticking their face or their hands into my dog’s face. Even the friendliest dog in the entire world still has the potential to bite, and being startled, or surprised with their personal space being invaded would be a very common way for a dog to snap. Any thoughts or questions, or anything you would like to add? ⬇️
Too many dogs can heel, but they can’t be free without pulling. These dogs struggle to make good decisions on their own, so we are forced to micromanage their behavior. It’s vital to teach your dog, how to heal, teaching him how to follow, you will help your relationship, help establish a healthy status of leading and following, and is a extremely important skill for your every day life. Teaching your dog to walk loosely in a free will help teach your dog how to make better decisions on their own, without the need of micromanagement from you, the owner! when do I use the free walk or the heel walk? For dogs that really struggle with behavior problems, I love teaching a structured, following walk, because of the importance of having your dog look at you for direction, and the effects it has on your relationship, when your dog learns to follow the leader. Also, in public, I really don’t want to give my dog, 6 foot of leash around kids, running around, crossing the street, and shopping plazas or Parks etc. With all of that being said, I want to be able to switch to a free walk where my dog can sniff the grass roll around in generally do what they want. I do use the sit command as the in between to either walking style. Before I switch from one to the other, I make my dog sit to make it more noticeable and easier to understand for the dog that we are doing something different. in the free walk, I will not use food when the dog checks in, they are no longer “working” and this is also the style of walking. I use when I need a mental break for myself. Once you’ve mastered this on a 6 foot leash, I always recommend that you start this process to a 15 foot leash for people that enjoy hiking or taking their dogs to local parks to have more freedom, this would be the natural progression.
How does your dog behave on the porch? Your porch offers, just like your elevated dog bed, a distinct visual for a boundary. It makes it really easy to teach having your dog stay on the right platform, but think of all the benefits of having your dog learn how to be patient on the porch. Less reactivity towards any of the distractions your neighborhood will throw at you. A general calmer dog during deliveries, in a dog who gets to spend more time with you because their behavior is suitable while you would like to sit on the porch. you’ll notice that this 10 month old Bella has a long leash shot. For security, I recommend that the first few times that you practice this exercise you do have one of those on, because I could promise you your dog is faster than you are. This is the first time we’ve ever practiced this game with Sully , but because he already knew place, and he already knew how to wait at the front door, it was really easy for him to figure out this new game. Whether the reward is play, toy, or food, at the beginning of teaching this, make sure all rewards are given onto the porch. I do not want him thinkingthat he will get a reward right now by running off of the porch, as that will be counterproductive to the end goal.
Join Captain Crunch on his training journey. This is day 2, and we are going to introduce going to his place, and his crate today. He’s a Mastiff/St Bernard mix, and if you have giant breeds you’ll know how painfully slow they move. With more energetic and driven breeds, they will go faster. I fed him yesterday (day 1) a lot on the place bed so he’d start to feel comfortable on the bed. Humans and dogs go where we feel good, and because he received a lot of food on the bed yesterday, today when I put the bed down, he went right to it. You may have to lure your dog into the bed the first few reps. I don’t mind a dog going slow, especially giants, but I love the last rep. You can see him thinking, and at 11/12 weeks old it’s awesome to watch. He loves going onto his bed, but he’s not necessarily a fan of walking into the crate unprompted. For this, I will throw food into the crate, and once he walks in, I will click and add more food. I also think it’s important to have the dog bed in the middle of the room and not up against the wall at the beginning as it can often create conflict with the dog. Tell Captain he is a v v good boy ⬇️
The decision game, it is a beautiful thing to watch a dog start to make decisions on their own. My end goal for training is simple, I want to be involved in as little as possible, and my dogs decision-making. I want them to just make good decisions on their own now at the beginning, because most dogs tend to be extremely poor decision makers, I will micromanage indirect my dog to what it is they’re supposed to be doing. But as you build better habits, you will give more freedom, and with freedom comes the ability for your dog to decide. With these decisions, you will start to notice how well your training has affected your dog. The reason for the longer leash is to get the dog further away from me, not only does it make them not feel as constricted, but also you typically have less influence of your dog the further they are from you. This is one of the reasons we’ve been selling so many of our hands-free leashes, because you can use the leash as a normal walking tool, or you can give your dog 10 feet of slack to enjoy sniffing around in.